October 19, 2007

My name is Tom

Welcome to my Blog. It has been created to keep friends and family updated about my family's cancer challenge. Be sure to read the latest postings, as I will try to update them as often as possible - no great words of wisdom or guidance to be sure, but you may find something helpful.

Probably the easiest way to do introduce myself is with a timeline of both the cancer and treatment and then fill in the story from there - so here goes:

November, 2000 – First of five focal seizures prior to surgery.

January 19, 2001 – Initial diagnosis of a “Mass” in my left frontal lobe.

January 25, 2001 – Biopsy done at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara.

March 1, 2001 – Biopsy results back from Mayo Clinic confirming initial diagnosis of benign Oligodendroglioma Grade II in the left frontal lobe. In my surgeon’s words, “If you have to have a tumor, this is the one to have.”

April 2, 2001 – Successful craniotomy at U.C. San Francisco Medical Center to remove as much of the tumor as possible.

June 27, 2001 – Started my first round of chemotherapy, Temodar, at home; 12 more to go on a clinical trial through UCSF.

June 2001 through October 2005 – periodic MRI scans to monitor the tumor, all have been stable to this point.

November 2005 – MRI shows some activity and the recommendation from my local doctor and UCSF is to do another year of Temodar and continue to hold off on radiation, keeping the option open for the future. During this year, ending in October 2006, the tumor is held at bay by the treatment.

February 2007 – New mass is found on the right side thanks to careful monitoring of MRI scans. The consensus by my medical team is to try Temodar one last time.

August 2007 – No success with Temodar on new growth. It is determined that a biopsy is needed to confirm tumor type and a new treatment options.

September 2, 2007 – Successful biopsy done at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara with pathology reporting the new tumor is the same type, Oligodendroglioma, but one grade higher and more aggressive. Not as bad as it could’ve been, thankfully. Pathology confirmed by UCSF one week later.

September 12, 2007 – Six weeks of Conformal Beam radiation begins at Cancer Center of Santa Barbara in addition to Lomustine chemotherapy.

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