June 9, 2008

it's good to be out and home

 nt for way too long and I apologize; but I have a "good" excuse; I've been in the hospital again for IV  treatments for the head infection that returned and was not being stopped  by oral antiobiotics.  I went in  a week ago today and got out on Friday, so not much time for updates, you know? I am sorry, though, Because I got an earful from a couple regulars who have been worried from my lack of communication, so I'm sure there are more of you  who feel the same way. I appreciate your caring and will endeavor to do a better job in the future.  I also got back on Avastin and CPT11 because  the tumor is growing again, so it was a productive stay in that way.  I think we got off message due to the non-healing head wound and I feel like we're back on track now.  IN the time I was in hospital, some very good friends of mine put together an event. hopefully those of you who live locally will attend to allow me to meet,or get reacquainted with, you and thank you.

1 comment:

Rosezilla said...

Hey, Tom. Your Father's Day breakfast was so much fun. It was wonderful to see so many people come out in support...and the food was fantastic. It was great to see you. Mom and Terri Medel and I were talking afterwards, and we agree with you that this should be an annual event. Next year I hope to work on it with you...I can flip pancakes for hours, as the folks at Kinderkirk can attest.
I'm just down the street...if you need anything, just holler. Little Rose is very funny right now, right in the thick of being three, and is excellent company.
Happy Father's Day!
-Mandy and Rose