January 22, 2008

Discharge date!

I'll be getting out of rehab in a week to continue my recovery at home with outpatient care and continuing PT. Between now and then I have to really focus on my physical recovery so that I can be self-sufficient around the house as much as possible. Exciting news to say the least.

Today I'm feeling a little slow as I took more pain meds than usual last evening . . . because I was in more pain than usual with a sinus headache; once I was out, I was out though. It's rainy and cold here today . . . good day for sleeping; but no, two hours of PT and another hour of OT. It's tiring, but great to see the progress, sometimes without being aware of it myself until my PT therapist or Anne points it out to me. Visitors have been light, which is fine for now with my workout schedule.

Anne has been great about brining me stuff from Trader Joe's Market, as the "Food" here is barely recognizable as such and virtually tasteless.

I can't wait to get home next week.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,

Brian Wolf, a CCC'r from Irvine. We have not met, but I've come to know you through Ian Devan who wore your name on his back while we rode at LiveStrong Portland. He and I stay in touch regularly. I also am new friends with Randy Richardson who I rode in Portland with as well. I will be his domestique this year at Solvang for his first century.

My best to you in your recovery. I'll keep tabs via your blog and hope to meet you some day.

Brian Wolf
Irvine, CA

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,
I just wanted wanted to see if you were getting any of my emails. I had not heard back from you in a while and wondered if your address had changed. I hope all is well hope the discharge went well!
Take care.