March 2, 2008

help a brother out . . .

Good morning!  It's going to be a beautiful day here for me and after all, that's all that really matters; right?  I've decided that it truly is all about me; so ask yourself, "What can I do to make Tom's life easier?"  The best ten answers will be chosen at some time and the winners notified at some point.  How about that, eh?  I'm making it easy for you to make it easy for me . . . cuz I'm a giver; give, give, give.  It's just the kind of guy I am!
Okay; no more coffee for me today.  

It truly is a beautiful day here, so I think that Anne and I will go the pool/jacuzzi for a bit.  I can't go under the water because of the incision remaining open . . . still; nor will I be able to go in past my knees in Hawaii at the end of this month for fear of, "Catastrophic results," according to my plastic surgeon.  "You don't know what those fish do when we're not looking."  So I guess I'll have to unreserve my space in the surf with my Latte each morning for this trip - next time.  Doesn't sound very manly, anyway.  I'm getting two scans this week to see where we are on the infection; a CT scan and MRI on Tuesday should give us an idea of whether or not the infection is still active as I have been on the new antibiotic now for a week or so.  I went in on Thursday so that my plastic surgeon could remove the staples and replace them with stitches partly to clean up the wound and partly to guarantee clean scans.

We've got a cheer competition coming up this weekend in Anaheim at the Disney convention center.  Caitlyn is competing with the high school cheer squad and dance squad.  This is usually a very fun event and I'm really looking forward to seeing her perform, as I didn't see any of her games this season because of all my medical stuff.  I figure on using the wheelchair to insure good seating . . . because after all . . . it is all about me.

I will post an update once we have the scan results, if not before.  Keep your fingers crossed and the fan mail coming.

1 comment:

carpandi said...

Top 'o the mornin' to my favorite Irishman! You know what? It IS all about YOU and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, $*@%!! The best I can do to make your life easier is to continue praying for you...the rewards sre endless and the cost: priceless. Carpe you. Aloha.