December 3, 2007

MRI results and next steps

Okay, we met with my local oncologist this afternoon to discuss Friday's scan. We are not much closer to an answer, I'm afraid, but I think we now have a plan going forward. It appears that there has been growth in the cyst and the tumor, but it's not certain how much in each due to the nature of the cyst . . . and its relationship to the tumor . . . hey, you think you're confused?!

We are now re-considering the three options already presented by my local surgeon and neurologist. The first two options can be done here in Santa Barbara and the third would have to be done at UCSF, because my surgeon does not do it:

  1. Drain the cyst and watch it, follow up with MRI's to monitor possible recurrence.

  2. Drain the cyst and leave a "shunt" so that it can keep draining if it refills without having to go back in each time.

  3. Drain the cyst, leave a shunt and a chemotherapy agent in the tumor bed for ongoing delivery of drugs to the tumor.

At this point I'm ready to go for simply the draining the cyst, as it looks like the shortest path to ending the physical weakness that's so frustrating. The shortest path is not always the most beneficial, however. If it sounds like I'm talking in circles, welcome to my world.

The plan is to meet with my surgeon and discuss his options, as well as the chemo option which he can't do locally. If it looks like the third option is the best of the three after also consulting with UCSF, we'll go that way. Any way you slice it, there is more surgery in my immediate future . . . no pun intended.

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