Andi Duffield
October 28, 2008
Aloha - Tom Whittaker
Andi Duffield
July 6, 2008
another stellar day
I don't think I've mentioned the fact that our family has been chosen by a local group,, a group that puts out a mammoth effort to benefit locally challenged individual and families, such as ours in order to ease the financial strains that always accompany these challenges. Our part is to field a team of paddlers to make the crossing from Santa Cruz Island to Holly Beach in Carpinteria September of this year and those paddlers will ask for sponsorships from both businesses and individuals for their mammoth effort. please visit the website above for more info or to donate. They had a BBQ last yesterday evening in our honor that was attended by 50 - 75 of the nicest people with the biggest hearts. It was like a class reunion for Anne as she knew a lot of the paddlers from High School in Santa Barbara years ago (sorry, honey, not that many years ago, right?)
July 1, 2008
what a party!
June 27, 2008
June 25, 2008
another big day 6-22 Sunday
June 16, 2008
June 9, 2008
it's good to be out and home
May 21, 2008
another tumor in the news . . . .
May 14, 2008
Next steps begin tomorrow
May 10, 2008
May 8, 2008
And I was feeling so energized after the oxygen treatment yesterday........!
May 7, 2008
HBO treatment
new treatment today
May 4, 2008
Great day yesterday
The next time you see this unit it will have a fat cyclist on it watching the bike races on the Cyclism Sundays show on the Vs. Network and imagining himself in the chasing Peloton and sucking air and gobbling Sport Beans from Jelly Belly for electrolite replacement.
I'm very excited about this purchase and what it will do for my overall health if I'm disciplined with daily training.
Back to yesterday: I got out of the house in the afternoon and had great time with two buddies of mine, Alan and Rick, going to see Ironman at our local theater in Carpinteria - highly recommend it for a fun watch, great movie. after that we went to see an old friend of mine, Jessica Pintard, at her new restaurant, Cork Tree on Linden Avenue. It was nice to see her and her place looks great, a real upgrade over the previous Coffee house that was there, Cork tree is a restaurant/wine bar and they put a lot of work into the remodel/redesign the place was packed, too, which is always good to see. Jessica is the widow of Eric Pintard, a local hero and cancer warrior who was the first one to reach out to me with a positive cancer survival message. It took a while before I was ready to listen but once I did I became his biggest fan, after Jess. Jessica set the bar high as a warrior, as well, staying by his side and supporting Eric until the end. She is bright light always ready with a smile and hug andI feel blessed to have her in my life. Anne and I have not made time to go in for dinner yet, but we will soon, perhaps this week.
One of the reasons that we have not gone into her place or many other public places is due to my own lingering public discomfort. I still get overwhelmed/confused pretty easily and worry about that being perceived by whomever I'm talking to, I don't like to have or show any weakness or confusion. but that's how it is for now and I need to deal with it. My friends realize that, so I don't know why I'm so self-conscious, other than for my own pride's sake. I'll get past it soon.
I'm, "looking forward, " to talking to UCSF this week and to getting on a treatment track that everyone is on board with; will blog again when that happens . Make your week a good one.
April 30, 2008
No more bad days.....
April 25, 2008
Next steps
April 18, 2008
Control is an illusion
April 15, 2008
Moving forward
April 10, 2008
Don't pick that, daddy!
April 8, 2008
Nuts to you, doctors!
April 5, 2008
March 28, 2008
Today's the day!
March 27, 2008
You folks go Hawaii yet o what?
March 24, 2008
I don't want to jinx it, but . . . .
March 14, 2008
There's a first time for everything
March 12, 2008
Pop the champagne, mother!
March 10, 2008
Here we go again . . .
As it turns out, it was probably totally unrelated to the tumor or the infection, but better safe than sorry and I'm glad to know that my docs will err on the side of caution in situations such as this. They did four different scans on me; MRI, CT, and two different types of bone and infection scans. This time there is only good news because the only place that showed any kind of active infection was at the top of my skull where we already knew one existed. That area is looking better, as well, so it appears as though I have turned the corner! It's great to be able to pass along some good news for a change; I felt bad about only having bad news to report, which is probably why I haven't been as active on the blog as usual.
Our oldest daughter, Caitlyn, was in the National Cheer Competition at the Anaheim Convention Center over the weekend. I got out of the Hospital at 3:00 and we headed down to watch our Carpinteria Warrior cheerleaders and song team place 5th and 3rd nationally, respectively. That is 5th out of 25 in her cheer division and 3rd out of 16 in song after pre-qualifying in regional events. I'm very proud of her and, perhaps more importantly, she and her fellow teammates are proud of themselves; they worked very hard for this and it has paid off in pride points.
This week we have an appt. with our infectious disease doc and one with the plastic surgeon to check on the incision infection. I'm also going to start out-patient physical therapy at RISB; I've been getting therapy at home since I got out of the hospital in February, but I think that using the institute's facilities and available equipment will speed my recovery.
Not much longer until we're Hawaii-bound! "Aloha O'e," although the correct term may be, " Aloha, OY!"
March 2, 2008
help a brother out . . .
February 24, 2008
Keep your expectations in neutral.
February 22, 2008
Tom's Big Day Out
February 16, 2008
Full extension!
February 12, 2008
It's alive!
February 9, 2008
I'm going to start calling my surgeon FIAT
January 22, 2008
Discharge date!
Today I'm feeling a little slow as I took more pain meds than usual last evening . . . because I was in more pain than usual with a sinus headache; once I was out, I was out though. It's rainy and cold here today . . . good day for sleeping; but no, two hours of PT and another hour of OT. It's tiring, but great to see the progress, sometimes without being aware of it myself until my PT therapist or Anne points it out to me. Visitors have been light, which is fine for now with my workout schedule.
Anne has been great about brining me stuff from Trader Joe's Market, as the "Food" here is barely recognizable as such and virtually tasteless.
I can't wait to get home next week.
January 21, 2008
Happy Monday
I had yesterday off from PT so I spent most of the day relaxing and watching tennis. A few friends came by to say hello, but other than that it was a quiet day, which I needed. I'm definitely making progress physically. I've been told that I'll be here another two weeks. As long as I get to see my three girls I'm fine.
I figure it will take as long as it takes and try not to think about how homesick I am.
January 16, 2008
Too much tennis
So I'm sitting in my bed at RISB (Rehabilitation Institute of SB), blogging away and watching a replay of the match that will end up eliminating Roddick from the Open. I've finished my three hours of therapy for the day with the knowledge that the infection is being not only controlled, but eliminated by the meds. They're saying I'll be in here for another two weeks; so I will lose the whole month of January. I'm homesick. I just have to focus on how much stronger I'll be when I get out and be grateful that I'm here at all . . . not too tough to do under the circumstances.
I'm sorry if I gave you a scare in the multi-day "neglect" of this blog. Hopefully you had a connection to get updated before now. I understand that some of you talked to folks you had not made contact with in years and in doing so may have re-connected with an old friend. Don't let those connections break again. When it comes right down to it, they are the the things that make truly wealthy.
January 15, 2008
Long awaited update
It looks like I'll be in rehab for about two weeks, which both Anne and I think is great. They'll get me physically strong enough to normal so that I can be confident about going home in good shape. It's extremely draining right now, but well worth the effort in the long run.
I'll try to keep up with both the blog and your comments.